i am thankful for knowing what type of friend to not be....
I am thankful for my struggles for I will be appreciative of when times will be easy...
I am thankful for Mister, for I know what type of man to stay away from....
I am thankful for all the no's, for i am grateful for A yes....
I am thankful for all of the material possessions I have lost, for I am appreciative of my meager belongings....
(Ionknow, the jury still out on this one, LOLOLOL, I am still pretty sore about my coach purses LOLOLOL)
I am thankful for the disappointment from friends and family, for it makes me especially appreciative and gracious to accept kindness from strangers....
I am thankful for being a late bloomer, for if I wasn't, I wouldn't have the life experience or have critical reasoning skills that is needed to do what I want to do....
I am thankful for every time i run for a train or bus and miss it, especially when i have laundry, for it teaches me patience and how to let shit go and how to not sweat the small stuff and to not get upset for shit i cant control....
I am thankful for friends who fill me with disgust and forget where they came from for it teaches me how not to act once I am successful....
I am thankful for being a single mother, for it taught me to not be judgmental of others who find themselves in single parenthood...
I am thankful for being a victim of domestic violence for it has taught me a wealth of information that it is not always easy to "just leave"....
I am thankful for almost losing custody of my daughter for it has made me cherish her in way unimaginable....
I am thankful for not being able to purchase a cup of water on credit, for once I get myself financially secure I will appreciate what it means to be more financially responsible...
I am thankful for being kicked out of the so called popular online group, for it taught me to not be concerned about the quantity of friends, but the quality and that the ever elusive popular people are not all they are cracked up to be...
I am thankful for being able to curb my own habit of 'keeping it real' because sometimes, it is about needing to get the message across without being offensive, for if you are so offensive, the message is lost...
I am thankful for every Thursday night me and MiniMe got home from my class at midnight, for I will cherish and appreciate my degree just that much more....
I am thankful for flunking out of school the first time and for having the courage to go back, for I learned I am not as stupid as I thought....
and finally....
I am thankful for people not being the friend to me that I have been to others, for it teaches me to not expect for people to do what I would do...