For the first time EVER, I am handing the blog writing over to someone else, Sarah Weathersby. I've known Sarah for about 5 years or so through the now defunct blogging site Yahoo 360 and now Facebook. She has shown herself to be a faithful blogger, often commenting on other's postings, and now writer. Many of us look forward to the postings of her and her husband, Tinker, we find them quite funny and adorable and by far, the cutest couple ever... so without further ado... I give you SARAH

TELL THEM I DIED is a romantic adventure that doesn't conform to the usual romance novel genre in that the protagonists are all over fifty years of age, retired, and with discretionary time and funds to enjoy life, and online friends to share every minute. And unlike other romances, much of the action takes place on the internet on social networking sites. The story was inspired by the many people I came to know and love over many years on social networking sites. People who are not online a lot don't realize how real those long-distance relationships can be. Over all those years, my online friends have married, had children, divorced, and some have died. And then there is the travel element. My husband and I travel a lot, and we share our travel photos with our friends online. Several friends have suggested that I write a book about my travels. I think travelogs can be rather boring, but I decided to weave some of our adventures into the story.
The main characters of TELL THEM I DIED are Laura (Screen name: A1QTEE), owner/operator of, and the men in her life who come in an out of the social networking scene. There is Laura's number one confidante and forum moderator, Angela (Screen name: Angelplaits), and her husband "Bodine." The men in Laura's life, ex-fiance', Jackson (JackDaniels), Lester (TheGuy),